Norway Rats Pest Control in Toronto

roof rat
Rodent Name: Roof Rat

How to identify Roof ratsRoof rats are a type of rodent that belong to the genus Rattus, along with Norway rats and other species. They are also known as black rats, ship rats, house rats, Alexandrine rats, and old English rats. They are different from Norway rats in their appearance, behavior, and habitat preferences.

Roof rats have the following characteristics that can help you identify them:

Have long and thin bodies, measuring about 16 inches (40 cm) in total length, including their tails.

Large ears and eyes, a pointed snout, and a slender body. Their tails are often longer than the rest of their body and drag behind them.

They have smooth black or brown fur, with lighter gray, white, or black undersides. Their fur may have intermixed spots of black or brown.

weigh between 5 and 12 ounces (150 and 340 g), depending on their age and diet.

Sharp teeth that grow continuously and need to be worn down by gnawing on hard materials.

Have four toes on their front feet and five on their hind feet, with claws that help them climb and grip surfaces.

Roof rats are nocturnal and secretive, so you may not see them directly. However, you can look for signs of their presence, such as:Droppings: Roof rat droppings are soft and moist when fresh, and hard and dried when old. They are about 1/2 inch (12-13 mm) long and have pointed ends. They are usually found near their nesting or feeding areas, such as attics, rafters, roofs, trees, or vines.

Gnaw marks: Roof rats gnaw on wood, metal, plastic, electrical wires, and other materials to access food, water, or shelter, or to keep their teeth from growing too long. They leave behind small holes, scratches, or shavings that may expose the inner layers of the material.

Nests: Roof rats build their nests in high places, such as attics, rafters, roofs, trees, or vines. They use materials like shredded paper, fabric, insulation, or plant matter to make their nests cozy and warm. They may also use abandoned bird nests or squirrel dreys as their homes.

Rub marks: Roof rats leave behind greasy or dirty trails along their regular routes, such as walls, pipes, or beams. These marks are caused by the oils and dirt on their fur rubbing against the surfaces. They may also leave footprints or tail marks on dusty or muddy areas.

Noises: Roof rats make scratching, squeaking, or scurrying sounds as they move around in the dark. You may hear them in the attic, walls, or ceilings, especially at night when they are most active.

If you see any of these signs, you may have a roof rat infestation in your home or property. You should act quickly to get rid of them, as they can cause damage, contamination, and disease. You can contact a professional pest control service or use traps, baits, or repellents to eliminate them. You can also prevent them from entering or returning by sealing any gaps or holes, removing any food sources, and trimming any vegetation that provides them access or shelter.

When to call an roof rats exterminator ?The best is to call us as soon as possible. We service the Greater Toronto Area, call us now 647 849 4441

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Roof Rats

GTA Exterminators for roof rat removal in Toronto

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