Pharaoh Ant Pest Control in Toronto

pharaoh ant
Insect Name: Pharaoh Ant

What do pharaoh ants look like ?Pharaoh ants are very small, about 2 mm in length. They have a yellow or light-brown body and two antennae. They have a darker abdomen and sometimes red and black markings on it. Their body is split into three segments: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. They have six legs, just as any other ant.

Habitat and BehaviourPharaoh ants like living in warm places where the temperature is about 25 degrees Celsius (77F) or warmer. They prefer high humidity levels and nest in hidden areas, where they are protected from predators and disturbances. They can nest in cabinets, behind baseboards, under floors, in wall voids, and even inside appliances. They can also infest hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and other buildings where food and water are available

They are omnivorous and eat a wide variety of foods, including sugars, meats, nuts, nectar, pet food, and even polyurethane foam. They are most active at night when they gather food and water, take care of their brood, and engage in other ant activities. They can also be seen during the day

Pharaoh ants are social insects that live in colonies with multiple queens and thousands of workers. They communicate with each other using pheromones and can cooperate to achieve complex tasks. They can also form supercolonies with millions of members that span large areas

They reproduce by budding, which means that a subset of the colony, including queens, workers, and brood, leave the main colony to form a new nest site. This allows them to spread quickly and adapt to changing environments. Pharaoh ants can produce sexually reproductive individuals twice a year, but they can also be manipulated to do so at any time of year in a laboratory setting.

Do pharaoh ants bite ?Pharaoh ants have a non-functional stinger that they use to generate pheromones. They cannot sting humans or animals, but they can bite if they feel threatened or disturbed. However, their bite is not painful or harmful, unless the person is allergic to ant bites or the bite gets infected.

Why do I have pharaoh ants ?Pharaoh ants are attracted to sources of food and water that are easily accessible. They can enter your home through cracks and crevices in walls, floors, windows, doors, and pipes. They can also hitchhike on items that you bring into your home, such as plants, flowers, groceries, luggage, or furniture. Once they find a suitable nesting site, they will establish a colony and start foraging for food and water nearby.

How worried should I be about pharaoh ants ?Pharaoh ants are not dangerous to humans or pets directly, but they can cause several problems indirectly. Some of the reasons why you should be worried about pharaoh ants are:

They can contaminate your food and water with bacteria and pathogens that they carry on their bodies or in their mouths. Some of these pathogens can cause diseases such as salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, clostridium, and shigella.

Can damage your property by chewing through electrical wires, insulation materials, fabrics, plastics, rubber, and wood. This can cause fire hazards, short circuits, power outages, or structural damage.

They can interfere with your appliances by nesting inside them or blocking their vents or filters. This can reduce their efficiency or cause them to malfunction or break down.

Cause allergic reactions or asthma attacks in some people who are sensitive to ant bites or their droppings. This can result in skin rashes, itching, swelling, redness, hives, difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, or anaphylaxis.

Can pose a serious threat to hospitals and other health care facilities by spreading infections among patients and staff. They can also compromise the sterility of medical equipment and supplies by crawling over them or nesting inside them.

How can I prevent pharaoh ants from invading ?The best way to prevent pharaoh ants from invading your home or business is to make it less attractive and accessible to them. Some of the steps that you can take are:

Seal any cracks and gaps in walls, floors, windows, doors, and pipes that could allow ants to enter or escape. You can use caulk, foam, mesh, or other materials to do this.

Store your food and water in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. Do not leave any crumbs, spills, or residues on countertops, tables, floors, or sinks. Clean up any food or drink spills immediately and dispose of your garbage regularly.

Reduce the moisture level in your home or business by fixing any leaks, drips, or condensation problems. Use a dehumidifier or an air conditioner to lower the humidity. Eliminate any sources of standing water, such as flower pots, trays, buckets, or dishes.

Remove any clutter or debris that could provide shelter or nesting sites for ants. This includes cardboard boxes, newspapers, magazines, books, clothes, fabrics, wood, or plastic items. Keep your storage areas clean and organized.

Trim any branches, shrubs, vines, or plants that touch your building or roof. This will prevent ants from using them as bridges to access your home or business. You can also apply a barrier of sticky material, such as petroleum jelly or glue, around the base of your building or on the edges of your roof to deter ants from climbing over them.

What should I do if I have a pharaoh ant infestation ?If you have a pharaoh ant infestation in your home or business, you should act quickly and effectively to get rid of them. Some of the steps that you should take are:

Identify the source and extent of the infestation. You can do this by inspecting your property for signs of ant activity, such as trails, nests, droppings, or damage. You can also use a flashlight or a magnifying glass to spot the ants more easily. You should try to locate all the colonies and subcolonies that are present in your property.

Use bait stations to eliminate the colonies and subcolonies. Bait stations are devices that contain a substance mixed with a food attractant that ants will consume and share with their nestmates. This will kill the ants slowly and discreetly without causing them to scatter or bud. You should avoid using sprays, dusts, or other repellents that could disturb the ants and make them relocate or split into more colonies.

Hire a professional pest control service if the infestation is severe or persistent. A professional pest control service will have the expertise and equipment to deal with pharaoh ant infestations effectively and safely. They will also be able to provide you with advice and recommendations on how to prevent future infestations. You should choose a reputable and licensed pest control service that follows the integrated pest management (IPM) principles and practices.

When to call a pharaoh ant exterminator ?The best is to call us as soon as possible. We service the Greater Toronto Area, call us now 647 849 4441

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Pharaoh Ants

GTA Exterminators for pharaoh ants removal in Toronto

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