Oriental Cockroach Pest Control in Toronto

oriental cockroach
Insect Name: Oriental Cockroach

Identification Oriental cockroaches are a large and dark species of cockroach that prefer to live in moist and cool environments. They are sometimes called water bugs or black beetles because of their appearance and habitat. They are considered one of the dirtiest and most dangerous cockroaches because they can carry and spread various diseases and emit a foul odor. In this article, we will describe their identification, habitat and behavior, reasons for infestation, health risks, and prevention methods.

They can be identified by their oval-shaped, glossy, and dark brown or black bodies. They are about 25 to 32 mm long, with females being larger and broader than males. They have tiny hairs on their legs that act as sensory devices. They also have wings, but they are not functional and do not cover their entire abdomen. Males have wings that cover about 75% of their abdomen, while females have only short wing pads. Neither gender can fly, and they move quite slowly compared to other cockroaches.

Habitat and BehaviorThey are mainly outdoor scavengers that feed on decaying organic matter, trash, and sewage. They like to hide under logs, leaves, mulch, debris, and stones, or in sewers and storm drains. These locations provide them with the moisture and food they need to survive. They can also tolerate cooler temperatures than other cockroaches, and can even survive freezing conditions.

However, Oriental cockroaches may enter homes through cracks, gaps, or pipes in search of water or food. They usually stay in dark and damp areas of the house, such as basements, cellars, crawl spaces, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. They are especially attracted to leaky faucets, sinks, toilets, drains, pipes, refrigerators, washing machines, and floors. They are nocturnal and rarely come out during the day unless disturbed or hungry.

Life CycleOriental cockroaches have a gradual metamorphosis that consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The female Oriental cockroach produces up to eight egg cases (ootheca) in her lifetime, each containing 16 eggs. She carries the egg case for about 30 hours before dropping it in a protected area. The eggs hatch in about 60 days, depending on the temperature and humidity.

The nymphs are pale tan in color and molt seven to 10 times before reaching maturity. The molting process takes six to 12 months, depending on the environmental conditions. The nymphs become shiny and dark as they grow older.

The adult Oriental cockroaches live for six to 12 months, with males living shorter than females. The males live for 110 to 160 days, while the females live for 35 to 180 days. The females can produce an average of 200 eggs in their lifetime.

Health RisksOriental cockroaches pose a serious threat to human health because they can carry and transmit various pathogens that cause diseases such as dysentery, E. coli, salmonella, food poisoning, and gastroenteritis. They can contaminate food, utensils, surfaces, and water sources with their feces, saliva, regurgitation droplets, body parts, and bacteria-laden legs.

They can also trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks in some people who are sensitive to their allergens. These allergens are found in their droppings, shed skins, saliva, and body fluids. Moreover, they can produce a musty odor that is unpleasant and offensive to humans. This odor is caused by the chemicals they use to communicate with each other.

Prevention MethodsThe best way to prevent Oriental cockroaches from infesting a home is to practice good sanitation and hygiene. Some of the prevention methods are:

Vacuum all cracks and crevices regularly to remove any eggs or debris.

Clean up crumbs and spills promptly and do not leave food or water out overnight.

Sweep or vacuum up food and debris on floors and carpets.

Clean counters, sinks, tables, dishes, and appliances with soapy water.

Take out trash in closed plastic containers and keep waste bins clean.

Fix leaky faucets and pipes and increase ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.

Seal any cracks or gaps in walls, floors, doors, windows, or foundations.

Use screens or mesh on vents or drains to block entry points.

Use baits, traps, or insecticides as needed to eliminate any existing infestation.

ConclusionOriental cockroaches are a common and troublesome pest that can cause various problems for humans. They are easy to identify by their dark and shiny appearance, but hard to eliminate because of their resistance to insecticides and ability to survive cold temperatures. They are also dangerous because they can spread diseases and allergens and produce a foul odor. Therefore, it is important to prevent them from entering and infesting homes by maintaining a clean and dry environment and using appropriate control methods.

When to call an oriental cockroach exterminator ?The best is to call us as soon as possible. We service the Greater Toronto Area, call us now 647 849 4441

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Oriental Cockroach

GTA Exterminators for oriental cockroach removal in Toronto

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